7 Ways to Show Love to a Woman

One most difficult thing to do by any man in a relationship is how to love his woman. However, as difficult as this is so also it is very crucial for the survival of the relationship.

It is important to know that loving your wife is the foundation on which your relationship will stand. And it has been discovered that many men do not know how to show love to their spouses and this has constituted major challenge why many marriages and relationships could not survive.

Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered. 1Pet.3

Given below are 7 ways to show love to a woman based on the biblical injunctions given by one of the greatest apostles on the earth, Apostle Peter.

7 ways to show love to a woman

1. Be to her a husband
The word husband is from the word husbandry, meaning the care, cultivation and breeding of crops and animals, management and conservation of resources.

The same way the husband as the male in a marital relationship is that man who can care, nurture, manage and conserve the woman in his life. It will be difficult to love a woman when you are not yet a husband.

That is why the bible emphatically addressed the matter of showing love to women to their husbands. It is a husband who can know how to love a woman; his own wife.

2. Dwell with her
To dwell is to remain with something or someone for a time, to live together as a resident of a particular place, to exist together, to lie with.

You are to dwell with her not minding her natural tendencies. Husbands must remain with their wives in sickness and in health – whether it is convenient or not.

Dwelling with your woman as a way of showing love is not about her but about you. A loving husband must be willing to dwell with his wife when the going is good and when otherwise. 

It does not matter whether she is a nag, you are to show love by dwelling with her despite her weakness and strength. Do not dwell with her only when she is strong.

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3. Treat her with knowledge
This is very important. She is your wife and not one of your siblings. She is your wife and not your girlfriend or concubine. She is not even your maid or personal assistant and should not be treated as one.

Treat her with knowledge, realize who she is to you and dwell with her according to that knowledge. Your wife is a stakeholder in your affairs. The moment you realized this the better for you.

4. Give her honour
This is wow! Love honours, adores and worship. You are to honour her both in public and private, when convenient and or not. It is one of the most difficult things to do for a man in a relationship but remember it is not about her but you.

It does not matter whether she I contentious you just must show love by honouring her.

5. Treat her with understanding
Your ability to understand a woman determines your love for that woman. It would be difficult to love someone you do not understand.

Be aware of her feelings and emotions. Understand her weaknesses and strength. By understanding her you will know how to render help where necessary.

                                                               Related: Faith of our fathers

6. See her as co-inheritor of God’s promises
Two are better than one. No matter how great you might be, when you married you will become far better.

There are certain honours and respects you cannot enjoy except you have a solid relationship with your wife. Every married man can testify to this. A good marital relationship always enhances the personalities of the people involved. It is a key to higher ground in life and ministry.

You are co-inheritors of the promises of God here on earth and so must treat each other that way. Treat her as co traveler, and pilgrim here on earth. You are both in the journey of life and so need the co-operation of one another to end well.

If you do not do this your prayer may be hindered, as good relationship promotes speed answers to prayers.

7. Love her the way you love God
Why? This is because if you do not love your wife that you live with and can see how can you love God that is not visible to the naked eye?

There should not be gap between your love for God and that of your wife. The same way you love God must be replicated in you’re the way you love your spouse.

Again, I want to emphasize the fact that showing love to your woman is not about her or her attitudes, but about you and your obedient to the word of God. It is better to remain unmarried than to have a broken marriage.

Marriage and marital relationships plays important roles in our ability to access the heavens and get positive responses. Prayers are hindered when there is no marital harmony. When love is not been practiced in a home, everything in and around that home will suffer.

I am convinced that with these 7 ways to show love to a woman, if well practiced and administered, you will have a wonderful marital relationship with your spouse.

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