Below is a short profile of Mrs. Theresa May according to as
reported by BBC.
Date of birth: 1 October 1956 (aged 59)
Job: MP for Maidenhead since 1997. Home Secretary
since May 2010
Education: Mainly state-educated at Wheatley Park
Comprehensive School with a brief time at an independent school; St Hugh's
College, Oxford
Family: Married to Philip May
Hobbies: Cooking - she says she owns 100 recipe books.
Occasional mountain walks. On BBC Radio 4's Desert Island Discs in 2014, she
chose Abba's Dancing Queen and Walk Like A Man, from the musical Jersey Boys,
among her picks, alongside Mozart and Elgar.
her party's future: "(It
is) nothing less than the patriotic duty of our party to unite and to govern in
the best interests of the whole country. We need a bold, new positive vision
for the future of our country - a country that works not for a privileged few
but for every one of us." Says people want more than just a "Brexit
PM" and has vowed to unify the Leave and Remain factions in the party
See pictures below
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