The Amezcua Energy Shell 2 

The Amezcua Energy Shell 2 was formally known as Amezcua Shower Shell. It was re-branded when the field of applications extended beyond clipping it to domestic shower, wash hand basin tap and domestic water connection to washing machines (dish or clothes). Its application has extended to vehicles, trucks, power generators and even installation on gas cylinders to further improve fuel combustion from between 30 to 70% efficiency . It is on these latter applications that The Amezcua Energy Shell 2 review is based. It has a 15 year expiry period . Now with Energy shell 2 you can assume you are buying fuel for as low as half the price others are buying.

The Amezcua Energy Shell 2 as Applicable to Water and Fuel

The Amezcua Energy Shell 2 restores the molecular structure of the fuel or any liquid or gas to its original state, thereby improving the efficiency of the fuel, liquid or gas. It provides you with energy enhanced fuel when used to energize your fuel, thereby improving the burning efficiency.

Manufactured from pure aluminum, the Amezcua Energy Shell 2 produces the same positive energy as the popular Amezcua Bio Disc 2. The result… instantly energized fuel! Hence cost reduction in fuel consumption. Apart from saving you between 30 to 70% on fuel consumption (depending on the load), it also reduces the pollution from your power generators or vehicles considerably. Your vehicle or power generator becomes environment friendly. There is no known side effect but there is the tendency not to service the engines of your vehicles or generators as at when due because the engine oil does not get dirty as fast as when you did not install the Amezcua Energy Shell 2. 

Individuals as well as Big Organisations have used the Amezcua Energy Shell 2 and Confessed to the Potency."Women Mirror Ltd (Deeper Life Bible Church), Ayobo, Generator Department" is one of such organisation. Their result within one day shows that they were able to save more than 45% of fuel the very first time of use which definitely will increase overtime. Imagine spending less than 50% of what you used to spend on fuel - That's Simply Amazing!!!


1.    Assuming as an organization your daily diesel (fuel) consumption is 1000ltrs daily and you open 26 days in a month. Your monthly usage will be:

1000ltrs x 26days = 26,000ltrs

@ #150/ltr
           26,000 x 150 = #3,900,000.00

        Introducing the Amezcua Energy Shell 2
        @ 40% reduction, we have:
        40% of 26000ltrs = 10400ltrs
       #150 x 10400 = #1,560,000.00
       Monthly consumption will now be 15600lts.
      15600 x #150 = #2,340,000.00
     @ 40% reduction using the energy shell 2 you will save #1,560,000.00 or more.

2.      Assuming you are a transporter with fleets of trucks or buses and each consume an average of 250lts daily and you run 26 days/month.
250lts x 26days = 6500lts/month
6500lts @ #150 = #975,000.00
@40% reduction, you safe 2240lts
2240lts @ #150 = #336,000.00
Monthly consumption will now be:
6500 – 2240 = 4260lts @ #150 = #639,000.00
@ 40% reduction using energy shell 2 you will save #336,000.00 or more.

Furthermore, combustion and wear and tear of your engines reduces drastically. What are you waiting for?


If you would like the Energy Shell or want to make money by introducing it to others you can contact Abel - +234 802 359 9385, +44 11433 78718 or

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