How To Improve Your Marriage And Make It Better


It is never in the plan of God for marriage to fail. God intends our marriages to work and endure the test of time. The marriage institution as established by God is to demonstrate the kind of relationship that exists between Him and the Church.

No one ever claimed that marriages do not have problems from time to time. However, the most important consideration is how we handle the marital problems so that they become marital bliss. How can we better retain the original love and relationship?

There are two ways to renew a marriage. The more obvious is to examine what is wrong with your marriage and determine what can be done to improve or change it to a supportive and loving relationship. The second approach is to start at the beginning. What was it about your relationship at the time you were dating and during the early period of your marriage that brought you such happiness and love?

Life is an attitude. How you see yourself and those around you control who you are. Likewise, marriage is an attitude. How do you see yourself and your spouse? The question is, how your attitude changed over time. It is normally a slow process. Children come along, job that demand more time, we have less energy, and more family problems. We become dissatisfied with the love and affection of our marriage and rather focus on our problems.

When either partner lets their attitude of their spouse degrade, they tend to see or picture their spouse with less love and concern. And as each spouse reciprocates the decrease in love and affection of the other, the other person then decreases their love and affection until you end up with two strangers who no longer feel any love. As we focus on our problems, including thinking less supportively of our spouse, our attitudes deteriorate.

What is the opposite of a poor marriage attitude? It is a good marriage attitude. As we returning to our earlier attitude, we see our spouse with the love and affection we originally had. We see their beauty and care. We see the magic that originally drew us to them. As we return to an earlier picture, we start seeing ourselves, our marriage, and our spouse with renewed love and appreciation. As our attitude and actions change, what do you think the effect is on our spouse? They normally will start to reciprocate, demonstrating more love and appreciation.

The devil is very sly and if you are not on guard, he will over time, give you new thoughts, attitudes, and pictures that your spouse is not very loving, not very interesting, and does not care about you anymore. Problems grow - dissatisfaction develops - and if insufficient commitment - divorce is likely to result.
Many marriages have problems and all too often end in divorce when they could not return to a loving relationship. With God's help, your marriage can be like it was in the beginning. Even when your spouse has no interest in improving relationships, as you change your attitude and pray for the Lord's help, mighty things can start to develop.

We can focus on our present picture of our spouse or we can return to the original picture. When you again respond to your spouse as you did in the beginning, they will start to respond in a similar manner. And it goes without saying that we should cover our marriage with prayer, God's blessing, and His protection. Too often we forget how important it is to lift our marriage and family up to the Lord and to pray that the Lord protect and bless them. Way too many marriages have been lost because we have not prayed for our marriage and spouse and in ignorance, we have let the devil come in and destroy it.

The Scriptural order of importance is: God, spouse, children, parents, job, and friends. For too many people, they think that they need to provide for their family, and this is true, but they mistakenly put their job first in their life. If we trust God to provide, then God and our spouse are at the top of our list. Who is at the 
top of your list?

God said, "the two will become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate" (Matthew 19:5-6). We have made a commitment to God and our partner never to divorce; to do all we can do to support our spouse with love and prayer. Honoring and upholding the marriage vows brings honor and glory to God.

If a couple will humbly forgive each other and start to work together to renew their marriage, bathed in prayer, then few marriages would end in divorce.
A marriage requires hard work, effort and commitment to succeed. It means working as a team and following the directions of the Lord. There will be obstacles and conflicts, but these can be overcome in Jesus name. All effort you geared toward ensuring the safety of your marriage.As these steps are applied in love, the love and intimacy of your marriage will grow.

 I know a number of tested marriage counselors who could assist about renewing and improving your marriage for the return of the original wine as it was in the beginning. If you would need help about how to improve your marriage kindly or call: +234 802 359 9385.

If this article has blessed you, kindly forward to as many as would need it. Shalom!

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