7 Impacts Of Smartphones In The Society

The days of using mobile phones solely for the purpose of making calls and text messages are long gone due to the introduction of Smartphones. Smartphones have become part of us to the point where there is virtually no aspect of our lives that does not depend on the necessary toys.
Over the years, Smartphones have evolved from being a luxury good to domestic apparatus. It would be tough and difficult to do without the Smartphones in this age.
I used to be pessimistic about the success of Telcos when GSM newly came to Nigeria in the early 2000s. I was of the opinion that it would be a luxury reserve exclusively for the rich. But I was wrong. My argument was based on ignorance and lack of understanding of the new direction the world was moving. Fast forward now, I now know better.
It is imperative to note that for many today life has becomes updated and flexible with the use of Smartphones as tools to get connected to people and resources at any time so desired. Smartphones have become domestic tools that we cannot do without if we expect hitch free activities.

This article will attempt to show how Smartphones have become impactful to the society in various areas.

The impact of SmartPhones on our relationship cannot be overemphasized. It makes us relate better and faster. It has become better means of communication. The gaps in long distance relationship have been bridged with timely communications made possible by Smartphones.
With Smartphones education is right on the finger tips. The internet is the gateway to the abundance of educative and informative resources available in our global village and the Smartphones have proved to be major channels to access those materials. How to eBooks, videos, audios, and other files are accessible anytime by Smartphones with internet connections. Unlike computers Smartphones provides users with opportunity to get education from wherever.

With the advent of Smartphones the future of any economy is right in your hands, pocket or purse. This has huge impact on the economy of any country from revenues in taxes, employments, to emergence of new business opportunities.

This is another area where the impact of Smartphones is visible in the society. Things that were hitherto impossible in the past have become easily achievable with the aid of Smartphones. Entertainment materials like videos, audios, infographics, eBooks, pictures and the rest could travel far and wide through the internet and can be easily accessed with Smartphones from the remotest part of the world.
It is no longer business as usual in the entertainment world. The days when upcoming artists have to depend on popular labels to promote their talents and works belong to the past. It is possible for an artist to release a single in the USA today and in few hours be accessible by millions of subscribers around the globe with Smartphones.

Today’s business is mobile driven and Smartphones play unique role in its success. In 2015, the shipment of Smartphones  to Nigeria increased by 135% due to the speed at which businesses are adapting to the use of mobile Apps for their operations.
Retail giants like Konga, Jumia, and Dealsday, all have recorded tremendous sales from the use of Smartphones. Making your business mobile friendly is a must now if you want to be current and remain in the business.

The financial industry in general has experienced great transformations with the introduction of technology. Prominent amongst the technologies driving the world’s finance is the Smartphones. Your Smarphone makes you a potential branch of the financial institution you subscribed to indirectly. With it you can transfer fund, receive fund, and pay for utility bills and licenses. Mobile money and eMoney are some of the initiatives driven by the Smartphones.

The dissemination of religious information and education has increased like never before since the introduction of Smartphone technology. It has played important role in the radicalization of followers across the borders. Adherents of any religion faith need not travel far to their holy land or headquarters before being indoctrinated. SMS, Whatsapp, Social sites, and other mobile friendly specialized religious websites and medium accessible by Smartphones have been used to propagate religion fundamentals faster than ever.

The impacts of Smartphones in the society are endless. Every day new uses of Smartphones are being introduced to the world. It is pertinent to say that users of Smartphones should make positive use of the technology to better the world.

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