How Government Can Use Cassava To Drive Employment

Cassava represents a valuable subsistence and cash crop in many countries worldwide. The agricultural potential of the crop in Nigeria has not been fully explored. The crop was introduced into Africa by sixteenth century Portuguese slave traders and has been cultivated in the rest of Africa for several hundred years. Cassava remains one of the most popular staple crops in Nigeria.

Unlike other African countries, Nigeria remains the largest producer of cassava both in Africa and the world at large.

Cassava is the most important tropical root crop. Its starchy roots are a major source of dietary energy for more than 500 million people. It is known to be the highest producer of carbohydrates among staple crops.

Why past government empowerment programs failed
It has become a culture for various successive governments to come up with one empowerment program or the other. Truth be told, most of the times these programs are used to settle friends and some political jobbers while the real beneficiaries were unable to access the so called benefits of the scheme.

The question to ask is how has the Operation Feed The Nation, Better life for rural women, National Directorate of Employment, Structural Adjustment Program, Poverty Alleviation Program, Sure-P and others not mentioned benefited the nation in terms of job creation?

To resolve the log of unemployment in Nigeria, government and citizens should look beyond the era of giving and receiving motorbikes, sewing machines, tricycles, hairdryers etc and few naira notes as means of empowering people. We should look in the direction of empowering ideas that can generate massive employment in the like of Google, Facebook, Uber, Jumia, Konga, BRT, Railway etc.

I see no sense in giving people #150,000 ($500) grants for farming in the name of empowerment. What kind of farming or business do you expect from such peanuts of amount talk less of creating jobs from such ventures? This is a joke taken too far! This route has failed and will continue to fail.
There is nothing laudable in a scheme that engages graduates for two years with no salary but a paltry #23,000 (less than $75) allowance in an economy where a litre of PMS is #145.

The solution to unemployment is not in the various poverty alleviation programs of government. Governments around the world should begin to look towards encouraging massive employment driven corporations in areas like technology, telecoms, manufacturing, construction, and agriculture to mention few. Cassava will drive massive employment both directly and indirectly in agriculture and manufacturing if the right policies and investments are put in place.

This article is to show how governments around the world and Nigeria in particular could take advantage of the vast availability of the cassava to drive employment possibilities for their citizens.

Availability of cassava in Nigeria
Cassava is available all over Nigeria.
There are more than 100 species of the crop scattered over the country. The plant can be grown in any part of Nigeria. It is estimated that the world produces around 250 million metric tons of cassava every year, out of which African countries are responsible for the production of more than half of the world total.
Nigeria on the other hand is leading the world in the production of cassava with its annual production of 52 million tons. Below is a table showing the top ten cassava producing countries in the world 2015.

Production (tons)
Table1: Top cassava producing countries 2015

Some Uses of cassava
Cassava finds usefulness in various sector of the economy. It is the third most staple food crop in Nigeria after millet and maize. Cassava is the source of daily food for an average Nigerian. Prominent products from cassava such as flour, fufu, garri, and tapioca and starch are daily foods consumed by the majority of the Nigerian citizens.
The fact that it is affordable by the majority of the populace, and its rich source of energy make it a household food source all over the world.
Below are few of the applicable uses of cassava.

Alcoholic beverages
cassava is a good source of alcohol.

cassava is widely consumed wherever the plant is cultivated. It is a good source of carbohydrate.

Animal feed
Cassava is a good source of roughage for ruminants such as cattle, goat, pig, sheep.

Laundry Starch
cassava starch is used in a number of commercially available laundry products, especially as starch for shirts and other garments.

Many countries around the world have begun significant research to evaluate the use of cassava as an
 ethanol biofuel feedstock. In countries like Brazil significant successes have been recorded in the quest for an alternative source of energy through cassava.

Other uses
Cassava starch is used as an adhesive, as a cosmetics ingredient and for making paper. Indigenous people use it as a fish poison. The starch could also be used in the pharmaceutical industry as a binder in tablets. Sweeteners: including high-fructose syrup, and glucose (dextrin, monosodium glutamate, pharmaceuticals, etc.). 

Cassava may be a useful source of starch for those suffering from celiac disease (gluten intolerance) as it does not contain any gluten at all. The various products from cassava represent market development opportunities that government and citizens can leverage upon in the creation of massive employment.

8 Ways Government can use Cassava to Drive Employment   
The role of Government in employment creation drive cannot be overemphasized. It plays the major roles in the creation of employment in any country. Beyond the ensuring of security of life and properties, and the organization of various summit and exhibitions to showcase the country’s opportunities and resources to foreign investors, there are other very important things to do to make our nation the next destination for would be investors.

1. Establishment of local processing industries  
There should be establishment of processing industries that will feed the manufacturing industries with raw materials from the produce of the various cassava farms at regional and states level. The federal government should as a matter of priority establish such industries in each region of the country.
Each state should establish at least a cottage factory processing one produce in each of its division. Government should also encourage private public partnership (PPP) in this regard.

2. Encouragement of Institutional investors       
Like what Dangote group and some others are doing in the tomato industry. This is one of the secrets behind the successes recorded by countries like Malaysia and Indonesia in the area of Palm kernel. Institutional investors with funds and technology should be encouraged to invest in the economy with regards to cassava and its products. 

3. Proper legislation
The right policy should be put in place as no investor would like to operate in a place where there is no legal frame work to protect their investments. Favorable laws that will promote investments and the interest of investors should be enacted to allay the fears of stakeholders in the cassava projects.s

4. Creation of Enabling environment       
Government must ensure there is peaceful and conducive environment for the investors and their host communities to co-exist. Investors will need assurance of security for their personnel and machineries, and more importantly their investments. A situation where youth groups and various gangs results to extorting money from investors and their personnel will not be tolerated by any serious investor.

5. Establishment Community farm associations
It is not a secret that Nigeria is the highest producer of cassava in the world with bulk of the production from peasant farmers from various communities across the country. However these farmers and farming communities if encourage could do more and become a source of raw materials to the manufacturers who depends on the produce of cassava for their operations.

6. Provision of basic amenities      
Government should provide basic amenities that will encourage people to be willing to work and live in the core cassava production areas. In this age of technology and internet it is not out of place if Government concentrates effort in providing basic amenities like electricity, water, road and telephone with internet access.

7. Establishment of cassava research institute with proper funding
There are too many research institutes in this country that are moribund due to lack of funding and proper oversight. Cassava research institute should be established if possible in each region and well funded to allow it meet its objectives.

8. Provision of fertilizers and farming equipments        
Government can lower duties on fertilizers and other farming chemicals, and equipments to make them more available and accessible by farmers pending the time that there will be sufficient supply locally. It is important to know that if we want more people involve in the production of cassava effort should be geared towards the provision of their basic needs.

There is no need to subsidize fertilizers and farming equipments like it has been done in the past, all we need is an environment that enables manufacturers of those things to thrive.

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