Launch out into the deep

God want us to launch out into the deep. He wants us to move forward. But we need to know that the deep is not a common place where people dwell and operate.

10 Then Joshua commanded the officers of the people, saying,
11 Pass through the host, and command the people, saying, Prepare you victuals; for within three days ye shall pass over this Jordan, to go in to possess the land, which the Lord your God giveth you to possess it. Jos.1

1And it came to pass, that, as the people pressed upon him to hear the word of God, he stood by the lake of Gennesaret,
2 And saw two ships standing by the lake: but the fishermen were gone out of them, and were washing their nets.
And he entered into one of the ships, which was Simon's, and prayed him that he would thrust out a little from the land. And he sat down, and taught the people out of the ship.
Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.
And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.
6 And when they had this done, they inclosed a great multitude of fishes: and their net brake. Lk.5

Notice the response of Peter in our text when Jesus instructed him to launch out and let down his nets. Peter told Jesus all they have done throughout the night; toiled all night, and caught nothing.

I want you to notice the word "we have toiled all night." We have done what our training demands. We have done what everybody seems to be doing. We have followed the rules and regulations of our profession.

As if to say, look Mr. Jesus, we are not alone on this journey, this is how everybody and everything is being done now.
From that story of Peter and the Lord, I want us to consider some factors that prevents us from launching out into the deep.

Factors That Prevents Us From Launching out

1.Living in the past
Peter was justifying the reasons for his failure and frustration on the fact that he was not alone. Many times when God wants to do something with our lives the past always stare us, the past always hunt us.

What is in the past? Prominent among things that hunt us from the past is:
a. Natural birth. It comprises of your gene, blood, talent, stature and so on. It gives birth to certain events or trends that surround your life, which could be positive or negative.
Many times it is easily possible for people favored with natural birth to launch out fast in life compare to those not favored.

The truth about life is that no one has control over his birth. That you will be born with or without silver spoon is not in your ability.
But you have the power to change certain things as you grow up, if you so desire.

b. Training. This is also in the past. It hurt and frustrates many believers out of the plan of God for their lives. It could be positive or negative, physical or spiritual. It can be corrected.

c. Experience. The world has a popular saying, that "experience is the best teacher." Some of our past experiences hurt anytime we remember them. It could be positive or negative but it is also in the past.

Peter had these three factors combined in his past no wonder he could not understand what Jesus was saying when asked to launch out into the deep.
You need to forget the past and move on into the reality of what God is about to do for you next. Do not allow the past to cut you short. Do not allow the past to speak whenever God instruct you to take a new step.

Do not look at the present either for it may not seems favorable. Look at His word and the future it holds for you.
But there is one thing you cannot take away no matter your present experience, and that is the grace of God. The grace is always available but you can only partake of it by faith. Let your faith be all encompassing. Heb.11

2. Alibis - excuses
We have toiled all night. That is an alibi. But my fears most times is that when people come up with
Those alibis they always have scriptures to back them up.

3. The result of past effort or labour
"And have taken nothing". This is the challenge with many today. It could be also be the other way round. When it seems all effort and labour in the past are not yielding any good result.

Let us go back to our text in Js.1:10-11. Here, Joshua commanded the people to prepare victuals before they could cross the Jordan. From the passage, there are some keys that will help us to 'launch out' into the deep.

Key #1. Prepare ye victuals
What are victuals? Food, sustenance. These could be physical or spiritual.
For Joshua the preparation means to prepare food that can last for many days for no one knows when the battle will end.
But for us the food may not be physical but certain spiritual preparation that will enhance our chance of victory when the enemy tries to invade our territories.

- Rise early in the morning - do not wait until opportunity comes be prepared.
Be an early riser, prepare ahead. Build capacity for physical and spiritual opportunity even when they are not needed.

- See the ark - see the ark do not see failure and impossibility. What you see is what you will get. 2Kgs.2:10.
If you can see it you can get it. See the provision of God for your life in His word.

Which ark?
The ark of the covenant of the Lord your God. The word of God is the covenant He has with His children. See His word and move forward. Anytime you look into the word of God what you will see is His covenant between you and Him.
He watches over His word to perform it. No portion of His word will go without being fulfilled. But it takes faith to see into the ark of covenant of the Lord your God.

- Proper understanding of God - 2Sam.6:6-7. The same ark that blesses can kill. Many people of the faith lack proper understanding of God and His word.
There shall be a space means that you do not know it all. Leave room for learning and instruction in righteousness. Do not assume you know it all.

- Sanctify yourself - without sanctification we cannot command the wonders of God. Sanctification makes our lives accessible to God for wonders. God said, you shall be holy unto me. 1Pet.1:15-16

Key #2. Understand that your condition has an expiring date
"For within three days." There is a clear difference between within, in and after three days. He said, within three days the Jordan that has held you bound will give way for you to pass. He said for you, within three days the lord will resolve all the issues of your life.

Key #3. Walk in obedience
In the two passages the people despite all odds walked in obedience to the word of God. Obedience is better than sacrifice. 1Sam.15:22. Do not be afraid to practice obedience in response to the word of God.

What helped Peter?
 In that story, we find three specific factors that played significant roles in the transformation of Peter and his friends. And these three factors are still relevant to us today if we must launch out into the deep.
      Divine positioning
Peter was in the right place at the right time. He was there when Jesus was looking for a boat to use and was also around when He gave the instruction. He did not get the word through a third party.
      Kindness or goodwill
Who else qualifies for Jesus blessings if not the man who borrowed him his boat, his office? Kindness pays. Goodwill can make way for you where there seems to be no way. Be kind to people. Be willing to share from the little you have. If Jesus were to be the Governor of Judea at that time Peter will have free access to him from that day for that singular gesture. It was kindness that helped Joseph to get to the presence of Pharaoh in Egypt.
      Access to the word of Jesus
He made himself accessible to the word of Jesus without compulsion. He was not forced to listen to the man who had borrowed his boat for a crusade but he did not go far from the venue. He was part of everything that took place there little wonder he said, "Nevertheless at thy word," I will let down the net.

How accessible to the word of Jesus are you?  Is hearing the word of Jesus your priority in this world? Where do you get motivation for the things that you are doing?

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