Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you. Jn.15:15
The eternal purpose and plan of God for mankind is to become His sons and daughters. Gen.1:26-28. Man was made in the image and likeness of God. Man was to be the representative of God on the planet earth.
The advent of sin distorted the eternal plan of God for mankind and brought a wide gap of separation between God and man. It was never the intention of God to make man His servant. Man voluntarily took the position of servant as a result of his sin and transgression. Lk.15:18-19
We are meant primarily to become sons. Rm.8:14-17. We are God's children because:
* We
accepted the lordship and leadership of His son
* The
spirit of God dwell in us
* We
have been adopted. Isa.56:3-8
* There’s
an inner witness of the Spirit of God that keeps assuring us that we are the
children of God
* We
are heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ. That is to say, we and Jesus, the
son of God, now have equal right to the father. We are joint heirs. Alleluaiah!
* Because we shall suffer with Him.
Before we conclude on this article, let's look at the reason for which God called people to Himself. Mk.3:13-19. Notice in verse 13 that it was Him who called those He would. They didn't come to him out of his or their personality, neither did they come because courtesy placed that demand on them. But he called them. He called those he would. Praise God! God can do whatever He likes with whosoever He prefers.
Why The
Given below are the four reasons why God can decides to call anyone to himself as menitioned in Mk.3:13-19:
Ordained Them
Your call is not authentic if you're not ordained. The ordination must be by Him and Him alone.
should be with Him
He too often need companion and fellowship. Gen.3:8-9
That he
might send them forth to preach
That is it, we are meant to go and preach the gospel to the world. We are not sent forth to go and setup organizations and denominations. Our purpose is not to build cathedrals and mega camps. We are to go forth and preach and not to go and be collecting tithes and special offerings.
And to
have power to heal sicknesses, and to cast out devils
Part of our mandate to preach is to heal all manner of sicknesses. Healing the sick is part of our job descriptions.
Stop referring the sick to the hospitals. God has placed you in the position to heal. In addition to that, the devils responsible for the sicknesses and diseases must also be dealt with; you are to cast them out. Believers have been empowered to deliver the world from sicknesses and devils.
When he said friends, what was he saying? He's referring to people who have been with him overtime. People who knows and understands him. Those who have been with him in his sufferings.
Permit me to say this friends, your friendship with Him is more superior to your ministry. Fellowship with the father is more important than doing His work.
Friends are privileged to the father's secrets but not servants. Only friends knows what the Lord is doing but servants don't. It is easier for friends to be like Him than for servants.
Servants are careful and troubled about many things. Lk.10:41. Friends are careful about one thing that is needful - fellowship; His presence, learning at His feet and feasting at His table.
Servants are meant to serve the master while friends are meant to fellowship with Him. It is possible to be a great servant of God and not a son of God. So sad! You could be everything a man of God and yet you may have not experienced the adoption into the son ship by God.
There are many servants around but few friends of God. You could be very good at organizing the brethren while you are yet to be His friend. What Jesus is looking for is a friend and not a servant.
reward for the servants may be more in many ways. It is more blessed to be
called friend than to be paid off as a hireling serving in the vineyard.
Mt.20:13. Many a time we don't even know the importance of being a friend to
the Lord because our eyes are always fix on the physical and material rewards
that we can see.
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