4 Business Role Models to Have

It is often said that to be successful in anything/venture you need a mentor. This is not untrue as too many success stories abound of people who achieve success fast as a result of mentoring.

The desire of every aspiring entrepreneur is to achieve his business goals and objectives within the stipulated time. Every great business usually begins with an idea but not every idea will make a great business. However, one way to transform an idea to a great business is to carefully subject it to the guidance of successful role models.

This post, 4 business role models to have will attempt to enumerate the qualities of some biblical examples in business that may be of help to aspiring entrepreneurs.

This father of faith will always top my list because he was the only man that had the testimony of someone whom God had blessed in all things. Gen.24:1
He was not born with silver spoon, yet he created one for his children. His wealth was strong in cattle, silver, gold and servants. Gen.13:2, 14:14.

His strength  
- He could pray things to happen.             
- He was a blind follower of God. Gen.12:1, 22:2-3.       
- He was never afraid to start all over again. Gen.12:10, 13;1,8-17.    
- He was a man that keeps relationship. Gen.14:13-16.             
- He was a team player. Gen.14:14, 24:1.            
- He was a man of faith.      
-  He transferred wealth to his children.

Isaac was a pampered son of promise. He was a spoilt child. His parent gave birth to him when they were old. He was the sole inheritor of Abraham’s wealth as his child of promise. Other children born to his father were settled for him to inherit the wealth of Abraham.

Despite that he lost all the wealth of Abraham and languished in want at a point in his journey. He was able to rise again and obtained a great testimony of success that we all need to learn from. He was rich in flocks, herds and great store of servants. Gen.26:14.

His strength  
- Ability to hear God before taking a step. Gen.26:1-5.  
- He could solve his marital problems. Gen.25:19-21.    
- He enjoys meditating on the word of God. Gen.24:62-63.      
- He introduced irrigation farming when the common thing was to wait for rain.     
- He could build a big business out of what others considered a problem.     
- He did not abandon his family business.
- He was ready to damn the consequence in order to achieve his goals.         
- He always keeps relationship.

Job was the richest man in his generation. He wa rich in sheep, camels, oxen, asses and servants. In today’s estimate we could say that job was a successful businessman and entrepreneur with interest in livestock, transport, haulage and rental (farm implements) and a strong work force. Job was the first person in the history of mankind to lose his wealth and regain it back in double fold following the same principles.

His strength
- His life of devotion to God.          
- A heart of repentance.      
- His commitment to family life.
- Ability to forgive and forget in order to move on.        
- He was an intercessor who despite his personal challenges could still intercede for others around him.
- He knew how to leverage on family, friends and networks to build wealth. 
- He leveraged on his talents and skills in time of difficulty.

Noah was the grandson of Methuselah. Although the bible did not specifically testify about the wealth of Noah but from his exploits we can deduce that he was a wealthy man worthy of emulation.
Noah with his family built an ark big enough to accommodate representatives of all the animals in his days. This was at a time nobody has ever built an ark and it has never rained on the earth.
Noah and his children inherited the earth after the flood. That is why it may not be correct to say Solomon is the richest man that ever lived.

His strength  
- He had an understanding of the grace of God. Gen.6:2-8.
- He was a perfect and just man. Gen.6:9.
- He was multi-talented. It takes a combination of talents and skills to build an ark.
- He could keep different animals together under a roof for many days without casualty.   
- He could motivate his family to build an ark for their safety. 
- He transferred the blessing of God to his children.

As you can see from the above examples of successful business role models of the bible, it is possible to be rich and successful as a Christian. God is not against the acquisition of wealth, but the quest for it at the detriment of your soul.

These men all found wealth by applying the principles of the word of God. They never do contrary to the law of the land in their pursuit for riches and success. It is important to note that anyone acquiring wealth but not in righteousness will leave it suddenly in the midst of his life. Jer.17:11.  

In your quest for riches and success, surround yourself with men and women of integrity. Learn from men who play the money game by the rule of the word of God.

The post 4 business role models to have appear first in JONADORC’s blog. I would like to hear from you also as your opinion can help many of my readers out there.

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