Cell phone signal boosters are devices that are used to increase and improve your service provider’s signal strength. They are also known to reduce noise and to improve the sound quality of phone calls and even increase your battery life. Cell phone signal boosters extend the range of any cell phone signal. There are two ways in which cell phone signal boosters can be used; by connecting the signal booster directly to your phone or by using a repeater (or an amplifier) which requires no physical connection to your phone.
1. Weak cell phone signals are caused by various reasons. Building size affects signal strength by attenuating the signal and interference by objects that reflect the signal inside the building is also to blame. This is common in large buildings such as factories and is the same in the basements of big buildings. In these situations Cell phone signal boosters with external amplifiers can be mounted at various locations on the building to improve signal reception.
2. Some materials used in building construction also attenuate the signal.
3. Old buildings which have
lead in their roofing materials block signal reception.
4. Buildings with very thick concrete walls and floors, fiberglass insulated roofs and metallic window screens are known to block radio signals.
Buildings with such
materials therefore require cell phone signal boosters mounted on them to amplify
the cell phone signals and thus allow users to roam freely without worrying
about dropped calls.
5. Cell phone signal dead zones can also be caused by signals taking different
paths and bouncing off buildings.
These signals then are transmitted as destructive
signals and require directional cell phone signal antennas to align them and
transmit them properly. This is to prevent them from affecting the signal
frequency ranges used by cell phones. Feel free to comment and share!